Home > Products > K-BUS(KNX) > Smart Touch > KNX Push Button Sensor with Display, 1/2/3/4-gang,55mm_V1.0
KNX Push Button Sensor with Display, 1/2/3/4-gang,55mm_V1.0

KNX Push Button Sensor with Display, 1/2/3/4-gang,55mm_V1.0

Push Button Sensor with Display, 1/2/3/4-gang,55mm are mainly applied in building control system, connecting to the bus via KNX connection terminals and installing together with other devices on the bus to build a system. They are functionally simple and intuitive to operate. Users can plan according to their own needs to perform these functions in the system. Push Button Sensor with Display, 1/2/3/4-gang,55mm are designed based on the European standard 55mm system as any other European KNX manufacturers.
Push button module: CHPBD-06/55.1.0y, CHPBD-08/55.1.0y (y=0,White; y=1,Black)
Product parameter
Weight: 0.06kg
Dimension: 70.8 x 70.8 x 20.8 mm (80 mm wring box)
76.8 x 76.8 x 20.8 mm (86 mm wring box)
Bus voltage: 21-30V DC, via the KNX bus
Bus current: <18mA/24V; <14.5mA/30V
Bus consumption: <450mW
Input: 2 external inputs, as dry contact
input or 10K NTC input
Connection: KNX,Bus connection terminal
Input: A three-wires connection terminal,
cable length <5m
Operation: –5 °C ... + 45 °C
Storage: –25 °C ... + 55 °C
Transport: – 25 °C ... + 70 °C
Humidity: <93%,except for dewing
Proximity sensor: Normal sensitivity
approximately 15cm
Enhanced sensitivity approximately 30cm
Mounting: In a conventional 80 or 86 mm wring box
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